If you are a user of a Sony Codec or CeeLab Codec and are trying to use it with the Videxio service and you are having disconnection issues then please contact CeeLab.
We have found the root-cause and are working on a solution.
1. When the call from Sony to Videxio via SC is first connected primary video is sent to port 8190 on SC for forwarding via H460 to Sony.
2. When a sharing is started Videxio closes the primary video logical channel and opens a new one. This time SC tells Videxio to send the primary video to port 8198 in the OLCA – see line 5936 in the trace.
3. However Videxio continues to send the video to port 8190 which is closed – see ICMP from line 5948!!!
4. The second time a sharing is started SC tells Videxio to send primary video to port 8214. Which it does